Blog Archives

Puzzle solver: what jigsaws and copywriting have in common

Detail from one of my finished jigsaws: The Study of Squares by Wassily Kandinsky

Like many others, I turned to various creative pursuits for a welcome distraction during lockdown. One of these was rediscovering a favourite childhood pastime: jigsaws. Not only has this helped take my mind off other things these past few months,

Posted in Miscellaneous, Writing Tagged with: , , ,

Common writing mistakes: compliment vs. complement

FREE (as in compliment vs. complement)

Introducing the first in a new series of mini blog posts about common writing mistakes. The difference between compliment vs. complement is one that catches a lot of people out. I often see them used incorrectly, as in “complimentary therapies”,

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How to make less* mistakes in your writing

Less or fewer: writing tips

I recently overheard a radio news presenter refer to “less people” at a particular event. The issue of whether to use less or fewer in a sentence is one that catches many people out. This is confirmed by Oxford Dictionaries,

Posted in Grammar, Tips, Writing Tagged with: , , ,